Prof. Qi-Lin Zhou's Research Group


Former members (Graduated in 2018)

Yue Pang (逄越)


1992.11.5    Born in Jinan, Shandong Provence;

2008-2011   Shandong experimental senior high school;

2011-2015   School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shandong University;

2012-2013   Exchange student in Xiamen University;

2015-       Institute of Elemento-Organic Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Nankai University;

            M.Sc, Supervisor Prof. Shoufei Zhu; 


Hallo, ich heiße Pang Yue! Ich komme aus Jinan.Ich bin Student in Universität Shandong,ich studiere Chemie. It is an honor for me to join Zhou’s group. I enjoy Wissenshaften but faced with lots of setbacks in Lab I am really expected to persist. In my daily life, I enjoy reading extensively and intensively, and as a result I have countless books. In addition, I also enjoy swimming and running. It seems that I meant to spend several years in this University and group, and I will try my best!